Graphic Novel


10 FREE copies of your book with your order of one hundred or more 8.5 x 11
perfect bound or saddle stitched books. Mention the code WEB FOR ARTIST to your Publishing Consultant when you place your order.


If you will be publishing a graphic novel, you are choosing a fascinating genre. Graphic novels are among the newest and oldest forms of literature that human beings have produced. The pictures tell even more of the story than the words do, and both elements work together, enhancing one another.

Egyptian hieroglyphs on papyrus, Mayan picture writing on the walls of temples, Japanese scrolls and Books of Hours created in the Middle Ages are ancient forms of this most modern way of telling a story. Today’s graphic novels bring a visual excitement and depth of plot to the printed page in stories that reach beyond the comic books of our youth.


-Before you begin your illustrations, be certain that you understand the press-ready requirements of the printer you have chosen. Small differences in page size can make a big difference in your production costs.

-Understand what printers mean by bleed and trim edge so that images and text important to your story don’t end up on the binding room floor after the book is trimmed.

-Proof your text and have others proof it as well. If your text is handwritten it cannot be altered inexpensively once the PDF files have been created, and resubmitting your PDFs will cause you to loose production time.

-As you create the illustrations, be aware that color is more expensive to print than black and white and that color images that are converted to black and white in the print process may not have the visual impact that you created with color.