Marketing Archives - Graphic Connections Group
Another Electric Car Challenge <p>I recently saw a Facebook post that had an angle on electric vehicles that got me thinking. Before I go intoread more...
Tell Your Kids to Start Having Babies <p>Yes, this is a crazy headline. And this is a departure from my normal business topics. But Iread more...

April 29, 2024

Stop What-If ing

2 Stop What-If ing <p>How many times have you thought back on something you did and said to yourself, “what if… “? Have you lostread more...
A Lesson On Postage Cost & Delivery Times <p>If you are paying attention, you know postage rates have increased three times in the last tworead more...
Direct Mailing, General Business
October 12, 2022

Why You Need to Stop Bragging and Start Delivering Value

Why You Need to Stop Bragging and Start Delivering Value <h1>A Response to Tom Ruwitch’s “Ditch The Braggy, Bigshot, BS Marketing”</h1> <p>Tom Ruwitch’s article on High
August 3, 2022

GROUPTHINK Isn’t “Accurate Think”

1 GROUPTHINK Isn’t “Accurate Think”   <p>I was listening to a podcast last week by a prominent radio personality, and he made a point that I
June 15, 2022

Use Webinars to Sell Remotely

Use Webinars to Sell Remotely <p>We use Keep (Formerly Infusionsoft), for marketing automation. That includes a CRM database, email marketing, task reminders, and marketing tracking. It
June 8, 2022

Write Thank You Notes to your No’s

Write Thank You Notes to your No’s <p>If you are a regular reader of this newsletter, I am sure by now you have figured out that